Album release concert-KID fourteen

Album release concert-KID fourteen
The official release concert for Kid Fourteen’s fourth album will take place in Beirut, and fittingly so.
‘A Brief Emotional Dragon’ is an album that has the city carved into its Blueprint. Drawing inspiration from Japanese Synth,
Country music, Free Jazz, Scott walker, Bruce lee and Westerns, the record paints a soundtrack that re-imagines the city as a desolate spaghetti western film set, with the musician himself as the main protagonist reflecting on his life through song - As he leaves his city and antagonist behind, never to be seen again. Until it’s an album release concert.
Joining Kid Fourteen in concert are the prefect accomplices and comrades, the newly formed Trio The Great Wall Of Sound (And Other Historical Inaccuracies). With Charbel Haber, Sary Moussa, and Anthony Sahyoun ganging up, there couldn’t have been a better imagined narrative that fits the bill, and certainly not a more special guest to introduce the album to a Lebanese audience.
/ Tickets at the door : 20$ /
Minimum Age requirement:18+
Doors open at 9pm
Info +9613958504